Since its inception in October 2000, more than 235 individuals and organizations have financially supported our schools in Nigeria. A number of others have also donated their time or talents free of charge to further our work. We gratefully thank all of them. For more information on our donors, please see the Summary Report on Our Donors 2000-2008 and the Summary Report on Our Donors 2000-2014, both of which are available in the documents and reports section of this website.
We do, however, have a few core or key partners and friends that should be mentioned individually. Since March 2002, we have worked with and through the Indianapolis-based charity Timmy Global Health which was formerly known as the Timmy Foundation. Timmy Global Health processes all of our donations, has provided direct support to us and greatly facilitates and enables our work in a variety of different ways. Thank you Timmy! We couldn’t do it without you.
Our key local partner on the ground in Rivers State, Nigeria is The Center for the Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD). CEHRD is one of the most courageous and fearless human rights organization working in the Niger Delta. They receive the funds we send to Nigeria, transmit them on to our schools in Bane, Bodo and Bori and help us monitor and account for how the funds are being used. As with Timmy Global Health, our work simply would not be possible without them. Thanks so much CEHRD. We are so proud to be associated with you.
Safe Child Africa (formerly Stepping Stones Nigeria) is an incredible UK-based child rights organization that has led the fight against false accusations of child witchcraft in the Niger Delta. They also run a great school of their own in neighboring Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Safe Child Africa (formerly Stepping Stones Nigeria) funded the boreholes for drinking water at our schools in Bane and Bodo and they have funded a generous and comprehensive scholarship project for dozens of the poorest and most vulnerable children at our school in Bodo. We are grateful for everything they have done for us and encourage everyone to join their fight against child witchcraft.
Finally, there are two locally-based schools in Central Indiana that have been incredible sources of support for our work in Nigeria. New Palestine Junior High School (formerly Doe Creek Middle School) in New Palestine, Indiana and Mt. Vernon High School in Fortville, Indiana have been dedicated, innovative and creative supporters of our work for many years. Both of them are among the 10 largest contributors we have ever had in the entire history of our work in Nigeria. We thank them so much and wish we had more schools like them. Special thanks go out to Jim Voelz (NPJHS) and Katie Weaver (MVHS) who have been such fantastic supporters of our work over the years.
We thank everyone and every organization who has ever supported our schools in Bane, Bodo and Bori and the work that we do in Rivers State, Nigeria. Your support is appreciated.